Why Liahona Academy?
Liahona Academy is a unique program for troubled teen boys and we really feel that every young man deserves a second chance - a chance they won't get at an all-boys boarding school. We are experienced in treating a number of common teen emotional, behavioral and mental health issues like ADD/ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, abuse trauma, substance abuse, depression, anxiety and more. In fact, our therapeutic, academic and social skills programs are specifically designed to turn problems into possibilities. Liahona Academy helps troubled teen boys live and learn in a supportive environment where they are removed from bad friends, poor habits, frustrated teachers and parents, and their own comfort zones. Here, they can focus on themselves and what they need to do to heal, without distractions from their old life. Blending therapeutic and academic programs, Liahona Academy is the safe and secure residential treatment option for those seeking help and who are evaluating boarding school options for troubled teens in Arizona.Can All Boy Boarding Schools for Troubled Teens in Arizona Can Help?
Although it is located in Utah, Liahona Academy is an excellent alternative to boarding schools in Arizona. In the beautiful desert country of southern Utah, we can provide outstanding service for troubled teen boys and get them the help they need to turn their lives around. Liahona Academy provides services to teen boys from all over the country in a family-style atmosphere that is structured, safe and supportive. Here are the main features that make Liahona Academy stand out from Arizona boarding schools for troubled teens:- Academic instruction tailored to each student's needs
- Individual and group therapy with licensed and experienced therapists
- Personal growth and development classes
- Behavior evaluations designed to chart progress
- Physical fitness, nutritional education and mental wellness instruction
- Leadership training
- Therapeutic recreation activities like hiking, water-skiing, swimming, and fishing
- Job skills and vocational training
- Community service projects, performed weekly
Common Issues that Troubled Teens in Boarding Schools in Arizona Face
Parents often have a hard time determining if it's a good option to enroll their troubled teens into boarding schools. Too soon or too late is a common struggle parents face. There's no denying that troubled teens can quickly see their lives spiral downward, while parents feel helpless to do anything. From substance abuse to juvenile crime, troubled teens can not only cause problems for themselves and their families, but for their communities as well. Here are just a few of the issues that troubled teens in Arizona face:- Substance abuse: Approximately 33% of Arizona teens abuse alcohol while 20% of teens report binge drinking. Marijuana use occurs with 19% of Arizona teens while 29% were offered, sold or given an illegal drug on school property. (Center for Disease Control, 2017 Arizona Report.) https://nccd.cdc.gov/YouthOnline/App/Results.aspx?LID=AZB
- Suicide: Arizona ranks 20th in the nation for suicide, with 11.3 % of teens attempting suicide and 19.2% seriously considering it. (Center for Disease Control, 2017 Stats of the State, Arizona Report) https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/states/arizona/arizona.htm https://nccd.cdc.gov/YouthOnline/App/Results.aspx?LID=AZB
- Depression: Around 36.4% of Arizona teens reported feeling sad or hopeless to the point that they stopped participating in activities they enjoyed. (CDC, Arizona Report, 2017) https://nccd.cdc.gov/YouthOnline/App/Results.aspx?LID=AZB
- ADHD: About 8.2% of Arizona children are diagnosed each year with ADD/ADHD. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011 report) https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/prevalence.html
- Arrest Rates: In 2017, there were 102 arrests for aggravated assault, 66 arrests for robbery, 666 arrests for larceny, 455 arrests for drug abuse and 38 arrests for weapons charges. (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 2017). https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/crime/qa05103.asp?qaDate=2017
- Teen pregnancy: In 2017, there were 22 live births per 1,000 females aged 15-19, ranking Arizona 15th in the nation for teen pregnancy. (Center for Disease Control and Prevention 2009 Study). https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/states/arizona/arizona.htm
- Graduation rates: Arizona has a 77.4% high school graduation rate. (U.S. Department of Education, Graduation Rates 2014-2015) https://www.governing.com/gov-data/high-school-graduation-rates-by-state.html
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