Liahona Academy, is an outstanding therapeutic school program for troubled boys. Liahona has been helping troubled teens and their families since 2002. Our therapeutic school program is based on the effective philosophy of positive peer culture and experiential therapy. For immediate enrollment please call 855-587-1416 today.
At Liahona Academy we believe that boys thrive in an environment of "unconditional acceptance" and "discipline" combined with therapy, academics, structure, and consistency. Liahona is essentially the total package; we are a leadership program, substance abuse treatment (12 Steps Model), and an outstanding academic program combined in one total therapeutic experience.
We believe that troubled boys respond to the help given when they feel loved (respected) and responsible. Moreover, when boys are "heard", "appreciated", and treated with dignity they are more responsive to treatment and true heart changes.
If your troubled teen is acting out, emotionally immature, making one poor choice after another… we have the solution. Its as simple as this… speak with some of our former or current families and find out exactly how effective we are. Speak with one of our former or current students and hear the stories of great success and restoration.

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