Conflict and miscommunication can cause a rift between you and your teen that can seem impossible to repair. After years of fighting and trying to establish rules in your home, your teenager may become distant toward you. The good news is that hope is not lost. There are ways that you can build trust with […]
How to Choose a Therapeutic Program for Your Teen
There are many therapy treatments specifically to help troubled teenagers or youths who struggle with mental illnesses. It’s important to choose the right therapy for your child’s needs because not every mental illness or problem is the same. The first step is to understand what types of therapy there are and what they target. To […]
How Residential Treatment Transformed Troubled Teens
Residential treatment programs have become a lifeline for families struggling with the challenges of raising troubled teens. These facilities provide therapeutic intervention, academic support, and life skills training. It’s an effective solution for severe behavioral or emotional issues like bipolar or borderline personality disorder. Teens struggling with anxiety, depression, or disruptive behaviors can find a […]
From Screens to Summits: How Liahona Boys Academy Transforms Young Lives
Technology drives the world today. Digital screens’ pervasiveness has taken over many young people’s lives. Unfortunately, youths often become distracted and disconnected instead of having a healthy relationship with the digital world. Youths whose lives have been dominated by screens to the point of distraction may need a little help from Liahona Academy. The academy […]
Why Positive Reinforcement Works Better Than Punishment with Troubled Teens
When a teen misbehaves, your first reaction might naturally be anger. Then, your instinct might tell you to punish your teen for that misbehavior. A punishment might drive home the consequences of their actions… but does it last? Punishments don’t always work, especially with troubled teens who are already struggling with behavioral issues. However, punishment […]
Understanding the Root Causes of Behavioral Issues in Teen Boys
Teen boys may rebel. They can have mood swings and act defiant. Plus, they can quickly get in trouble at school or in society. These things are not as uncommon as most parents think. What’s important is understanding the root causes of these behavioral issues in teen boys. Behavioral issues in teen boys can stem […]
The Role of Physical Activity and Outdoor Experiences in Helping Troubled Teens
When troubled teens face obstacles affecting their emotional, mental, and physical well-being, sending them to therapy and counseling might not be enough. What may work even more efficiently is incorporating physical activity and outdoor experiences into their routine. Physical exercise and time spent in nature can significantly improve mental health, boost self-esteem, and teach teens […]
The Impact of Social Media on Teen Boys and How to Set Healthy Boundaries
Social media has now become a crucial part of every teenager’s life. A Statista survey records that 45% of teen boys use social media and you can find them primarily using Discord, Twitch, Reddit, and YouTube. No doubt these websites are where they connect with friends, discover new interests, and express themselves. While social media […]
Strategies for Parents Facing Defiance and Anger from Their Teen Boys
Parenting teen boys is no easy, smooth ride. It’s more akin to feeling a rollercoaster action’s stomach-plummeting ups and downs. And when defiance and anger enter the picture, most parents can naturally feel overwhelmed. The good news is there are practical strategies to help manage these challenges. Stay calm and establish boundaries to foster a […]
Recognizing the Warning Signs: When Your Teen Needs Professional Help
Parenting teens can be filled with ups and downs. Adolescence is a period of growth and self-discovery, but the changes teens experience can be confusing and emotional. While many challenges teens face are a normal part of growing up, some struggles might be beyond a parent’s capacity. As parents, it can be hard to distinguish […]