As boarding schools for troubled teens offer many excellent services and experienced staff to parents who have troubled teens, it can be costly to have a struggling teenager attend. However, you don’t have to be absurdly well-off to afford the best care for your child. To help you determine how your family can wrangle your […]
The Differences Between Bullying and Teasing
While many private schools and institutions have seen success at ending bullying, public education continues to struggle. According to the National Center for Education Statistics 2015 report, over one in five students reported being bullied at school. Yet, many public schools still lack bullying awareness programs. The absence of anti-bullying education can be due to […]
Preparing Your Teen For A Youth Treatment Center
Helping your teen understand the opportunity represented by a residential treatment center can help make their transition to a youth treatment center smoother, so less time is wasted by your teen feeling resentful and confused at why they are there. To help your teen prepare to attend a residential treatment center, there are a few […]
Treating Depression At A Boarding School For Troubled Teens
For caring parents, watching their teen struggle with depression can be heartbreaking. Yet, without specialized care, many teens may not recover from their depression. This prolonged depression can lead to many negative behaviors, such as: Cutting Suicidal ideation Risky sexual activity Truancy Defiance Listlessness Troubled teenage boys, in particular, tend to turn to negative behaviors […]
Four Ways To Help Your Teen Grieve Productively
When your teen experiences the death of someone close, it can shake them to their core. Adolescence is a time of dizzying physical changes and mounting academic and social pressure. Grief can exacerbate these challenges, especially if your child has lost someone key to their developing sense of identity. If your teen is unable to […]
Get to Know the Meds in Your Home that Are Getting Your Teens Hooked
People, including teens, might decide to take a medication that wasn’t prescribed to them. They sometimes use the drug to self-medicate and eventually use it to avoid withdrawal and to get high. It’s illegal for someone to take prescription medications, also called controlled substances, if they have not been prescribed to the person. While some […]
Service Ideas To Help Your Teen Focus On Others Needs
The adolescent years can be a time of self-expression and exploring independence. They can also be a phase of self-centered behavior as teens learn how their behavior affects the world around them. Teaching your teen how to be empathetic and learn to consider the needs of others over their own is an important skill they […]
Parenting Tips to Try Before Taking More Serious Measures
Troubled teens engage in all kinds of harsh behaviors that might begin as early as middle school. These tough years can mean difficult parenting challenges as you struggle to help your adolescent successfully navigate through these stages. Understanding the Teen Brain We often think of teens as miniature adults. After all, they are often fully […]