Sometimes, parents find they need the help of other professionals to help their struggling teenagers, especially as their teens’ behavior starts to spiral out of control. Two of the most recommended suggestions are residential treatment centers for teens and therapeutic boarding schools for teens. These two types of troubled teen programs are often referred to […]
Why Behavior Modification Works With Troubled Teens
Struggling teens can display a range of troubling behaviors, ranging from aggression to compulsive lying and delinquency. If teens are unable to change these behaviors with the help of their parents and local resources, it may be time to consider a behavioral modification program. Behavior Modification Addresses The Root Problems A behavior modification addresses the […]
5 Things in the Summer to Keep Troublesome Teens Busy
Kids look forward to those carefree days of summer, when they can enjoy life at a slower pace. But teens often use the unstructured freedom of summer break to get into all kinds of trouble, including trouble with the law for violent behavior, destruction of property, drug use, or other illegal activities. If you feel […]
Parents Preventing Drug Abuse: 11 Ways to Help Your Teens Steer Clear of Drugs
The United Nations has declared June 26th as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Worldwide substance abuse has an impact on society, economy and health. The UN works to raise awareness about illicit drug trafficking as an international problem and encourages communities to promote recovery programs and to empower youth to face […]