Struggling teens can display a range of troubling behaviors, ranging from aggression to compulsive lying and delinquency. If teens are unable to change these behaviors with the help of their parents and local resources, it may be time to consider a behavioral modification program. Behavior Modification Addresses The Root Problems A behavior modification addresses the […]
When You’ve Decided Your Teen’s ‘Back To School’ Will Be Different
By the time most parents consider sending their teen to a boarding school for troubled teens, often that teen has been expelled from at least one school before. And no matter what promises were made by the teen to shape up over the summer, it’s the same old story—calls from family and friends about the […]
Values & Standards: Help Teens Set & Standby Them
Something that many parents mention to us as their teenage sons graduate from our boarding school for troubled teens is that the parents wish they had emphasized the right values and standards more with their struggling teens. In most cases, these teens had known their families values when they were younger, but without reinforcement and […]
What To Do About Your Teen’s Bad Friends
Every parent dreads the idea that their child will fall in with the wrong crowd because they know that it can be incredibly difficult to detach a teen from their bad friends. Some parents eventually opt to send their teen to a boarding school for troubled teens to pry their teenager away from negative influences. […]
5 Things in the Summer to Keep Troublesome Teens Busy
Kids look forward to those carefree days of summer, when they can enjoy life at a slower pace. But teens often use the unstructured freedom of summer break to get into all kinds of trouble, including trouble with the law for violent behavior, destruction of property, drug use, or other illegal activities. If you feel […]